We’d all like to be the only woman in the man of our dream’s life. We’d
all like to enjoy our relationship without the niggling worry that we
might not actually be the only woman. A lot of the time it sounds
ridiculous to even entertain the idea that our man might be juggling us
with someone else.
Unfortunately, sometimes he is; sometimes we fall into the trap set by a
player who has juggled women and relationships before. If you’re
worried that you aren’t the only girl who has stolen your man’s heart,
let’s take a look at the top 10 signs that you are not the only girl in
his life.
1. He’s A Mystery Wrapped In An Enigma
Sure, the brooding, mysterious types are attractive at first. But once
you get to know a guy and start dating him, the mystery should fall away
as he opens up to you and tells you his name, his age and where he
lives. Et cetera.
If your man is still a mystery to you even after several dates, you
should take this as a warning sign. You should by now have found certain
things about him; certain things he was only too happy to reveal. If
he’s keeping his cards close to his chest, be careful.
2. He Doesn’t Like Committing To Plans In Advance
Each time you suggest doing something or going somewhere, he gives you a
maybe answer.
“Hey! Do you fancy going to the cinema next Friday?”
“Hey! Do you fancy going to the ball game next Monday?”
“Hey! Do you want to come shopping with me on Saturday? I’ll make it
If you press him, it’s likely that he doesn’t even have an excuse why he
can’t commit to a date. He’s just “not sure” and “can’t remember” when
he’s busy and when he isn’t. It basically means that he’s keeping his
options open.
3. He Has LOTS Of Female Friends
Of course, your man is allowed to have friends of the opposite sex and
you certainly shouldn’t tell him to abandon them now that you’re in his
life. It isn’t right for anyone to suddenly abandon their friends just
because they’ve entered a relationship.
But if he has TONNES of female friends who are constantly draped around
his arms in Facebook photographs, you should probably be a little bit
concerned. The more women he knows, the more likely it is that you
aren’t the only one close to him.
4. There Is A Lack Of Public Intimacy
If you’re the only woman in his life, he would surely have no problems
kissing and touching you in public. In fact, he’d probably initiate it
But if he’s got you and someone else in his love life, the chances are
that he isn’t too keen on getting it on in full view of everyone. If he
bristles at public affection and never initiates even a peck on the
cheek, you’re right to be concerned that he’s trying to make sure he
doesn’t get caught out.
5. You’re His Friend To Everyone Else
To you, you’re his girlfriend and he’s your boyfriend. Privately, he
possibly acknowledges this and agrees with it.
But when he’s referring to you to other people, he says that you’re just
a friend.
This is a huge telltale sign that a man is playing with your heart and
stringing you along. If he can’t bring himself to admit to the world
that you’re an item, it usually means that it’s because he’s got a few
other women in his life who are “just friends.”
6. He Does Weird Things
When somebody is having an affair, they can become agitated and do weird
things. This might include refusing to answer their cell phone or
keeping it switched off whenever they’re around you. It might mean
refusing to let you use their laptop or go through their phone. And when
you ask him how his day went, he might shrug and just say “it was okay”
without going into any details. None of this is normal behaviour and
should be seen as a red flag.
7. He Comes To See You …
… But rarely lets you go to see him.
The fact that his place seems to always be out of bounds could be down
to the fact that it’s being decorated, as he says; or it could be down
to the fact that he has a woman living there who he naturally doesn’t
want you to see!
If he still hasn’t given you his home address, he clearly doesn’t want
you in his neighbourhood where you could be seen … or where you might
see someone who upsets you.
8. You Still Haven’t Met His Mom
Normally, guys love introducing their girlfriends to their mothers. And
naturally, a mother is always desperate to meet the latest girl their
son is dating.
If you’ve been seeing your man for a few weeks and he still hasn’t
suggested that you meet his mom (and dad), it’s time to make the
suggestion yourself. If he stalls and says it’s too soon, you should
definitely start to worry.
9. He Flirts With His Friends
Some guys are naturally flirtatious. But when a man is in a
relationship, it’s his duty to flirt with you and you only.
If you catch him flirting with his female friends often, you should be a
little bit cautious. It could be a sign that he flirts with anyone who
he is attracted to, and it could mean that it isn’t just you he’s gone a
little bit further with.
10. His Friend Is Not Gender-Specific
If he mentions that he’s going to see “a friend” today but doesn’t
specify who it is – or that it’s a male – you should be a little bit
suspicious. Guys who have nothing to hide will come out and tell you
which friend they are seeing. But if a guy is trying to hide another
girl from you, he won’t tell you that he’s going to see her; and he
won’t even tell you that the person he’s going to meet is a she.
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